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Yellow Ribbon Prison Run 2012 finisher medal

20120916-184111.jpgThe Yellow Ribbon concept is described as the remembrance and the welcoming home of an absent loved one, from the military or jail. While there are some references/origins to it in the past, the song “Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree” boosted its cultural popularity in the 1970s.

The Yellow Ribbon project in Singapore is a programme aimed at reintegrating ex-prisoners back into society. Of which, the YR Prison Run is a yearly event aimed at promoting awareness and support for this cause.

Went for the 10km run for the first time, and as a beginning runner I have to say that it was pretty fun to run, though the route consisting mostly of sloping roads was pretty daunting in a way.

Tracked my stats for the run too, which will contribute to my data geek tendencies 🙂